Saturday, March 10, 2012

An Aging Dog's Needs: Physical Exercise & Mental Stimulation

Every dog has needs.  And as your dog ages, those needs can increase - and change.  If you have an aging dog, are your meeting their needs?

I'm not talking about the basic (but very necessary) needs such as regular vets checks, senior blood panels to check for ailments, a quality diet, and added padding for their beds...  I am talking about an aging dog's need for physical exercise (without added stress on their bodies) and quality mental stimulation.

As our four-legged companions age, it is our job as the dog's advocate to make sure that ALL their needs are met - that includes their physical AND mental needs. 

Older dogs tend to develop aches, pains, arthritis, and other "aging" ailments, just like humans.  But, an aging dog still needs physical & mental stimulation.  Just like with humans, keeping your dog's mind sharp helps keep your dog young at heart, and wards off depression (yes, dogs get depressed too).  And physical exercise allows your dog to loosen up stiff joints and ward off muscle atrophy.

While Fido may not be able to chase the ball across the yard the way he used to, you can still play with him with his favorite toy.  Shorten the distance that you throw the toy, thereby shortening the distance that he has to run.  This way, you can still play your favorite game for several repetitions before he gets too tired...

If you and your dog enjoy walks, maybe shorten the walk so your dog doesn't do too much.  If you walk a path that includes hills, maybe find a path that is less extreme.

Teach your dog new tricks - shaking paw, spin, speak, finding a toy that you have hidden in the house, weaving between your legs, backing up, finding a treat that you have hidden in the house... the list goes on and on.  Be creative and use your dog's natural skills & instincts to create new tricks!  The key is to pick something that your dog can do without causing discomfort but still offers them a chance to stimulate their bodies & minds....

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